
Hollywould Productions's Downloadable Videos

HP-074 Wonder Womyn in "Casting Couch"


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Each Part is approx. 9 1/2 minutes long , 47 MB, and is 15 tokens.

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Description of "Casting Couch" :

The sexy, sweet, and innocent Hollywood shows up for an audition for a role in an upcoming movie. Little does she know, but waiting for her is the nastiest, meanest,  most ignorant of all casting agents. This guy is an cretin from the get go to lovely Hollywood, and things get worse and worse for her as the audition proceeds.

Annoyed by her inability to read her lines correctly, he asks her to stand up, so he can see if her curvaceous body is good enough to land her the role in the film. Liking very much what he sees , he then decides to offer her the role if she's willing...or even if she's NOT willing, to lay down on the couch with him.

Needless to say, the sweet and innocent Hollywood wants to be no part of this. She remains polite, and attempts to keep reading her lines, but the dysfunctional guy wants nothing to do with that, and now just ulterior motives on his mind. He throws Hollywood onto the casting couch, and attempts to get frisky.
Hollywood puts up a battle, but is no match for this guy's overpowering weight and strength. However she manages to escape his clutches long enough to transform into Wonder Womyn!!

Making the transformation, she now is ready to teach this nasty man a lesson, BUT...can she do it is the question. The villain is quite powerful, and determined to get Wonder Womyn on his couch for some of his demented fun.

A long, hard fought see-saw battle takes place, with both combatants dishing out and receiving extreme punishment. Punching, kicking, backbreakers, sleepers, camel clutches, scissors galore, are all in this desperate battle of good and evil.

The masked villain even resorts to the magic cloth on several occasions to get the best of Wonder Womyn, and relinquish her powers. On his last attempt at doing this, he's worn out and had enough of fighting her. So he then decides some restraint is fitting to end it all. He ties her up by her wrists, ankles, and breasts, and even gagging her with her own power belt.

This is yet another epic adventure of the lovely Wonder Womyn, but can she survive this wild battle, or will the masked villain get his way completely with her? Find out when you watch the 30 minutes of  hard hitting gut wrenching action in this thriller


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